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Spiritism Lectures

Thursday 8:00 - 9:00pm

Spiritism Lectures cover various themes of the Spiritism and are aimed to provide clarification and consolation. The purpose is to promote the dissemination of Spiritism in its scientific, philosophical, and moral/religious aspects. Passes and Fluidified Water are available at the end. English translations are available upon request. 

Spiritist Education
Family Spiritist Education
 (English and Portuguese)
Sunday 10:30am - 12:00pm
O Livro dos Espiritos
The Spirits' Book
Tuesday 8:00 - 9:30pm

The Study of Spiritism focuses on the spirit, the understanding of life and the moral consequences of our spiritual existence. It is designed for individuals who want to learn the basics of Spiritism.

O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo
The Gospel According to Spiritism
Monday 8:00 - 9:30pm

The Gospel According to Spiritism has the objective to analyze and understand the evangelical morality, facilitating the development of the spiritist conscience, necessary for the evolution of the being.

Spirits' Book
The Spirits' Book for Beginners
Tuesday 8:00 - 9:00pm

The Study of Spiritism focuses on the spirit, the understanding of life and the moral consequences of our spiritual existence. It is designed for individuals who want to learn the basics of Spiritism.

O livro dos Mediuns
The Mediums' Book
Tuesday 7:00 - 8:10pm

A continuous and systematic study of The Mediums' Book, the second book of the Spiritist Codification. The course is open to all attendees with good knowledge of The Spirits' Book.

A Genese
Thursday 7:00 - 7:30pm

It aims to stimulating study and personal reflection using as a basis the book Genesis by Allan Kardec.

O Livro dos Mediuns
The Mediums' Book for Beginners
Tuesday 7
:00 - 8:10pm

A continuous and systematic study of The Mediums' Book for Beginners is open to everyone interested in learning about mediumship. 

Clube da Leitura
Spiritism Book Club
Friday 6
:15 - 7:45pm

In order to encourage the reading of Spiritist books, each month a book is chosen to be read by all participants. The meeting is held with the group discussion of the book of the month.

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Previous Lectures

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Listen to a series of Prayers
(English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Italian)

© 2015 A Caminho da Luz

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